Hi there! My name is Bonnie, and this is my film website I made for my Web Publishing class. I have always loved watching movies, knowing Oscar trivia, talking about films, etc, so, I decided to make a website about it!
I also took Film Appreciation this year, a class where we watched and analyzed a variety of notable films spanning from 1939 - 2017. I will be sharing my analysis and personal opinions of some of the movies here.
In these film responses, I will be answering the following six questions:
- What is the film trying to say? (What is its theme?)
- How does the film integrate the attributes of this week’s story type? Is it successful? (If applicable)
- Which filmmaking component stood out to you the most, and why?
- Which question (listed below) seems most applicable to this film? Answer it.
- What shot, scene, or sequence in this film struck you the most?
- What is your subjective, personal response? And, more importantly, why?
Answering Q4: Questions to Ask While Viewing a Film:
- What is the film about? Does it have a theme?
- How does the film establish its universe?
- Early in the film, is there a “family” moment?
- How does the story move from scene to scene—through dissolves, or fades to black? (Are you aware of doors opening and closing?)
- To what extent does the film tell its story visually?
- Are close-ups used effectively?
- Are reaction shots used effectively?
- Does the film end effectively?
- Does the film contain any “moments to remember?” Are there lines, shots, scenes that will stay with you through the passage of time?